Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Light and darkness

Utter contempt
Absolute depravity
Blackest darkness
There is no greater despair
Nor depth to descend to
The fall of man is complete
So too the way of salvation is complete
The finished work of the cross of Christ
Pays back in full
The debt of mankind's sin
Death swallowed up in triumph
Light of the world has come
Those who follow Him
Will no more stumble in the darkness
For living light will flood their path.


People sway people
Like trees in the wind
One day smiling faces
The next utter contempt
How quickly they change
With no thought of their own
Just the dictates of those
With a powerful bent
Formed like jelly
Into the same old mould
No backbone
To speak of
No courage
To stand
Just another clone
Controlled by the whims
Of man.


No way of escape
Caught up and bound
Trapped in a web
Full of lies
Lie upon lie
Melting into a pot
From one story to the next
The next cesspit
Of slimy greed
Dripping down the walls
Of power magnets
Stuck together
In the muck together
Into bite sized bits
Swallowed alive
By this
Body of lies.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Whose friend are you.

To have a noble character
For a noble cause
What I do
Speaks louder than words
Those that see what I do
Will be more willing
To hear what I say
For there is no contradiction
Compromise always leads to confusion
Leaving the water muddied
Like particles of sand in your eye
Impairing your vision
Throwing you off course
A constant irritant
Who would welcome
Such a companion
Or speak in terms of friends
Friendship with the world
Makes you
An enemy of God.

Monday, 15 August 2011


I want to outlive the curse
Run the course
Finish my race
Though the road be
Steep and rough
With suffering along the path
Grant me persevering faith
Eyes fixed on you
My gaze
Emblazoned with fire
That burns with love
Eternal life
Beating at it's core
And hope
That can never be extinguished.


So many great achievements
Won at the hand of envy
Leaving the achiever empty
The record stands
But the man
Stands in a void
All the accolades
Great heights of success
Gold heaped up to the roof
Mountain tops of glory
Just like the wind
Who can grasp it
Or oil
Running through your fingers
When you place your life at the centre
It slips through unnoticed
No true colours
No lasting mark
What stands the test of time
What passes from this life to the next?

Thursday, 11 August 2011


As steady as a rock
As light as a feather
Hard to come by
Over the top
On top of the world
All these sayings make sense
To those whose world
They are spoken into
Outside of that world
They're just random words
Strung together
Flung together
Like a foreign tongue
A strange language
Lost in translation
Makes sense
In a broken
Divided world.

Monday, 8 August 2011

A hopeless worldview.

Just a small fry
On a big grill
Burning my buns off
Sizzling away.


Deep down
Belly laughs
Rolling in the isles
Eyes streaming
Every muscle
Filled with pleasure
Healing flows
As the laughter rolls out
It's medicinal blanket
Those privileged
Caught up in this moment
Become intimately joined
Warmed on the inside
Wonderfully whole
Laughter really is
Good medicine.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

What will I say?

What can I say
It's all been said
Or has it
There's always more
One more word
The final say
Words flow out
How many fall to the ground
Lost then found
Or fade away
How many hit the mark
Or cut to the heart
Bring fire and rage
Or sprinkle still waters
Across the page
This open book
With all it's chapters
Line upon line
Verse upon verse
Turning the corner
Into this open expanse
Looking out upon this new day
Thinking more carefully
About what
I will say.


Keep me posted
On the page
Let me know
I want to be informed
Constant information
We're stretching all the time
Increasing rapidly
What does sound look like
It's on billions of multi screens
Blitzed across the globe
It's like a train
That won't slow down
It's picking up speed
Yet it can be counted
All the numbers are there
Multiple processes and formulas
All the satellites and servers
Every head
Can be numbered
Yet within many heads
A longing for
The deeper sound wave
The purest art of communication
The love of God
He's beyond all galaxies
Just a breath away
Can you hear Him
Amidst all the other voices
Turn off the screens

Saturday, 6 August 2011

What does faith look like

It has to start somewhere
It may as well be here
Strike while the irons hot
Well this irons cold right now
But here I am
Somehow ready to strike
Surely that's grace
God always on His best
Even when I 'm not
My heart warms to the thought
I make slow steady steps forward
Into His amazing grace
I feel the shift
It's as if the air clears
The mist lifts
I rise with it
Into a new place
A new day
Walking with God.


Waiting to jump
Just on the edge
Your heart is racing
Everything in you
Wants to do it
But there's that shimmer of doubt
That keeps running it's way
Across your mind
All those standing on the sidelines shout
You can do it
Go for it
Another attempt
One more pause
What holds you back
To break the back of fear
Is what it takes
A certain absolute conviction
You will be caught
You won't drown
A faith that let's go
Of all doubts
Holds on with assurance
To the one who is unfailing
Love is at the core
Nothing else will last
Love is the essence
That permeates
Every fibre of my soul
To know
As I am fully known
To trust
Like there is no other
To soar
At the edge
Of freedoms precipice
To defy gravity itself
Then realise
I was caught
I ever

Thursday, 4 August 2011


It's amazing
What God can do
With a little faith
That's all it takes
A little faith
In an amazing God.

Exquisite Splendour

The storm blew over
I heard the distant thunder
The wind raged
The chill set in
But the rains never came
It stilled to a gentle whisper
Now the sun is peering out
Around the corner of the mountain tops
Just above the tree line
Those trees are so beautiful and strong
They've been around since ancient time
The jungle is buzzing with life
The sound is a full rich array
Of mountain glory
Life unfolds here with exquisite splendour
Finally the rains come
To drench the earth
All this happened
As I sat
In such a short space of time
How incredibly important change is
Vital to our world
How incredibly important it is
To cultivate an environment
Within our own lives
For change to transpire
So our lives too
Would unfold with
Exquisite splendour.