Monday, 30 July 2012

Deliver me from evil

I see you rested in the night
Head laid down
At peace for now
Till morning dawns
New challenges arise
Faith is tested
Legs made ready
To stand strong
Not alone
Never alone
Bound to me
Wrapped around me
Where you exchange strength
Mine for yours
Your courage to be bound to me
Your confidence to stand in trial
Against odds
Strongholds that seek to strangle
Walls made of sand
Stand against my holy rage
Come tumbling down
Burnt in a blaze of majesty
You stand in the gap to witness
My triumph over evil
Where temptation melts
In the furnace of my love
Yours is the victory
Mine is the deliverance   

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Looking up

Looking up
I see unformed hands
Making sky and stars
Land and sea
Creatures small and great
As small as small can be
I see the hand of God in man
His image so clearly seen
I gaze around and see the ground
Where we've fallen so far down
Hearts grown cold
While tears melt down into desert sand
Where hope is buried deep inside a grave
I lift my eyes up from this pit
To hear a voice so loud and clear
Come take my hand
I'll lift you up
To see what I created your eyes to see
My love filled gaze
Your heart ablaze
Reaching beyond
Sun, moon, stars and sea
My love in you
Will lift you up
For all eternity.

Thursday, 19 July 2012


All things equal
Like the measure of a cup
The toss of a coin
Each one has their chances
Each one makes their call
Heads or tails
The roll of the dice
Some random number
Some lucky draw
All men made in Gods image
All men placed upon the same earth
What will be the measure of your life
What will be your final worth.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Walk on water

Fearfully I ride the oceans waves of power
To the crest I go then crashing down
The ocean rolls like thunder
Splashing her magnificent spray far beyond the horizon
Eyes cast toward this great expanse
Seemingly limitless
Deeper than the depths of mans deepest dive
Raw power that roars with greater rage than a lions pride
Who can contain it
Who can match it
There is only one Master
He speaks to the perfect storm
His voice is majestic
It thunders like the ocean
But gentle as a dove
He quietens the storm
With just two words
Be still
Then calls me
Come across the other side.


Take me to the place
Where in courage
I drink in your victory
Renew my steps
Where they become strong
Filled with steadfast faith
Move me along
Step by step
With the steady beat of a true and noble heart
Move me along
Upheld by your word and grace
Move me along
Upheld by you in your holy place.

Friday, 13 July 2012

My delight

Garden of delight
Lift your eyes up to the heavens
Let them not stray to foreign lands
The soil is good
Your roots are strong
Delight yourself in the gardeners hands
New buds will blossom
Leaves thick and green
Life bearing fruit
Taste and see
The Lord is good.


Aches and pains
Shortened breaths
Weary bones
Inside alive filled to the brim
Outside dying emptied of strength
My spirit willing
My flesh weak
Grace rolls out the red carpet for me
I step toward my destiny
Where a new body awaits my eternal spirit
Never to age again.

Monday, 9 July 2012


High days
Low days
Most days just roll on
Not too spectacular
Nor too despairing
Just somehow
Dare I say it
Normal is O.K
It keeps the blood pumping
Not too fast
Nor too slow
Just moving
Steady beat
Regular pulse
Normal helps me
Manage the highs and lows.


Glory days
Outstretched arms
Shoulders back
Head held high
No shame in defeat
No loss on the ground
The final stand
Victory in hand
My triumphant King
Has conquered the land.


The leaves are dancing as the branches sway in the breeze
Gently they dance
Pausing in quiet surrender
Outstretched in adoration
Outstretched in wonder
In awe they reflect the glory of their Maker.

Do not fear

The top of the peaks are set ablaze with morning glory
I'm captured with delight
Drawn into quiet
Peace washes over me
Wrapping its gentle blanket around my heart
Speaking into my soul
Do not be afraid
I am with you.